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Sheet No. :1686488643 Book Name:Dog_Days Kid Name: Date:

Question 1: Greg's hairstylist, Annette, who is a friend of Mrs. Jefferson heard that Greg and Rowley had a huge ___ and that Rowley was "___".
  • Option 1: heartbroken
  • Option 2: tennis
  • Option 3: falling-out
  • Option 4: unexpected
  • Option 5: relatives

Question 2: The help wanted ad is looking for someone to write a funny one panel ___ strip to replace Li' Cutie. The rules say any comics with ___ will be ___ because of a comic character, named Precious Poochie who stars in an old comic with his name.
  • Option 1: animals
  • Option 2: Hey
  • Option 3: People!
  • Option 4: comic
  • Option 5: advice
  • Option 6: discarded

Question 3: Rodrick tells Greg that his father is going to sell him, as he shows him clues in his father's ___, on Sunday, August 22, he will be sold. Greg thinks Franks unpredictable. He calls the police using his Ladybug when he realizes they were on Bayside Street. He then realizes that his Frank was actually talking about giving ___ away to Grandma, and was going to take Greg to a ___ game.
  • Option 1: baseball
  • Option 2: military
  • Option 3: planner
  • Option 4: Sweetie
  • Option 5: tickets

Question 4: When Greg gets to Rowley's beach house, he notices that there's nothing fun to do except ___, which he dislikes. He had a nasty surprise when he notices they have to share a ___, and Rowley knocks him out of ___ by having scary "___ dreams". Later on, Greg went on the Cranium Shaker, which made him feel dizzy and queasy, while Rowley rides kid rides, and then after spending time in the ___, went pranking people with a one-dollar bill, but then a random kid caught it.
  • Option 1: reading
  • Option 2: bed
  • Option 3: chicken
  • Option 4: email
  • Option 5: arcade

Question 5: On the bright side, he also finds out about how great the dinner was, but ___ he found awful from the ___ in the ___. The next morning, Greg fiddles with Mr. Jefferson's ___, sending an email to his mother that said "HELP HELP GET ME OUT OF HERE THESE PEOPLE ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY."
  • Option 1: brownies
  • Option 2: spinach
  • Option 3: dessert
  • Option 4: beach
  • Option 5: computer

👋 Answer

Answer 1: falling-out, heartbroken
Answer 2: comic, animals, discarded
Answer 3: planner, Sweetie, baseball
Answer 4: reading, bed, chicken, email, arcade
Answer 5: dessert, spinach, brownies, computer
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