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Sheet No. :1686733791 Book Name:Knights_and_Castles Kid Name: Date:

Question 1: Ladies almost always wore long dresses. Married women were supposed to keep their hair covered at all times. A lady’s headdress could be ___. Lords usually wore hose made of wool and shirts made of linen. They often wore ___ over their shirts. They sometimes wore floppy hats with very long tails. Shoes with ___ toes were also popular. Some shoes were so long and pointed that they were ___ as long as the wearer’s feet! The lord and lady did not take baths very often. When they did, their servants filled a giant wooden tub with ___ heated over a fire. They used soap made from ashes and sheep’s fat.
  • Option 1: huge
  • Option 2: tunics
  • Option 3: pointed
  • Option 4: twice
  • Option 5: water

Question 2: When guards at the castle gate heard the alarm, they raised the ___. They lowered the ___. They shut the ___ behind the portcullis. They locked the ___ on the doors. It was almost impossible for the enemy to get inside the castle!
  • Option 1: drawbridge
  • Option 2: portcullis
  • Option 3: doors
  • Option 4: bolts

Question 3: During the Middle Ages, the most popular stories about knights were tales of ___ and his kingdom of ___. They were make-believe stories. But they may have been based on a real king who lived in Britain in the sixth century. One of the most famous stories about ___ is that of the ___. In the story, the people of Britain find a stone with a sword thrust into it. Writing on the stone says: WHOEVER CAN PULL THE SWORD FROM THIS STONE IS THE TRUE KING OF BRITAIN. A young page named Arthur is the only one who can pull the sword out of the stone. The person who put the sword in the stone was ___, a magician. After Arthur is crowned king, Merlin becomes his most trusted adviser. Merlin helps Arthur start the Knights of the Round Table. Arthur’s knights gather at a table that is round so that each knight’s place has the same worth.
  • Option 1: Code of Chivalry
  • Option 2: Camelot
  • Option 3: Sword in the Stone
  • Option 4: Merlin
  • Option 5: King Arthur

Question 4: Two of the most famous Knights of the Round Table are ___ and ___ . They both lived by the highest ideals of the ___. Two important women in the stories of King Arthur are ___ and ___ . Guinevere is the beautiful wife of King Arthur. Morgan le Fay is the half sister of King Arthur. She learns magic skills from Merlin, such as how to fly and how to change her shape.
  • Option 1: Sir Lancelot
  • Option 2: Sir Galahad
  • Option 3: Code of Chivalry
  • Option 4: Queen Guinevere
  • Option 5: Morgan le Fay

Question 5: As part of his ___ , a new knight was often given a suit of ___. ___ is metal covering that protected a knight from his enemy’s ___. Armor was heavy. It was hot. It was hard to put on and take off. But it was the best protection a knight could have when he went into battle. The earliest armor was made of small ___ rings all linked together. The linked rings were called ___.
  • Option 1: mail
  • Option 2: armor
  • Option 3: dubbing ceremony
  • Option 4: weapons
  • Option 5: metal

👋 Answer

Answer 1: huge, tunics, pointed, twice, water
Answer 2: drawbridge, portcullis, doors, bolts
Answer 3: King Arthur, Camelot, Sword in the Stone, Merlin, Code of Chivalry
Answer 4: Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad, Code of Chivalry, Queen Guinevere, Morgan le Fay
Answer 5: dubbing ceremony, armor, armor, weapons, metal, mail
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