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Sheet No. :1689240685 Book Name:The Invisible Ink Date:
Question 1: What is the content of the first text?
- A. The Fixies
- B. The Invisible Ink
- C. Katya's Love
- D. The Gramophone
Question 2: What is invisible ink?
- A. A special kind of ink that is hard to see
- B. A type of ink used for writing secret letters
- C. A liquid made from lemon juice, milk, or baking soda
- D. A secret message written on a plain piece of paper
Question 3: How can you make invisible ink?
- A. By mixing lemon juice, milk, or baking soda with water
- B. By using a special kind of pen
- C. By writing with a stick or brush on a plain piece of paper
- D. By warming up the paper with an iron
Question 4: How can you make the invisible ink visible again?
- A. By using a special kind of pen
- B. By warming up the paper with an iron
- C. By dipping a stick or brush in the ink
- D. By mixing lemon juice, milk, or baking soda with water
Question 5: What should you do before sending a letter?
- A. Write a greeting at the beginning and kind words at the end
- B. Check for any mistakes
- C. Use invisible ink to write the letter
- D. Take a long time to answer the message
Question 6: What should you do if you receive a message from someone?
- A. Take a long time to answer
- B. Write a greeting at the beginning and kind words at the end
- C. Check for any mistakes
- D. Answer them quickly so they don't think you forgot about them
Question 7: What is a gramophone?
- A. An old appliance for playing back sound recorded onto records
- B. A device for listening to music on the Internet
- C. A modern machine for playing CDs
- D. A type of musical instrument
Question 8: How does a gramophone work?
- A. It uses electricity to play back sound
- B. It has an electric motor and electronics
- C. It spins the record using a spring and vibrates a diaphragm to produce sound
- D. It uses invisible ink to play the record
👋 Answer
Answer 1: B. The Invisible Ink
Answer 2: B. A type of ink used for writing secret letters
Answer 3: A. By mixing lemon juice, milk, or baking soda with water
Answer 4: B. By warming up the paper with an iron
Answer 5: B. Check for any mistakes
Answer 6: D. Answer them quickly so they don't think you forgot about them
Answer 7: A. An old appliance for playing back sound recorded onto records
Answer 8: C. It spins the record using a spring and vibrates a diaphragm to produce sound
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