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Sheet No. :1686818227 Book Name:女孩要勇敢而不必完美 Date:

Question 1: What did the speaker do to teach girls to be brave?
  • A. She started a company to teach girls to code
  • B. She ran for Congress
  • C. She built a sisterhood for girls
  • D. She taught intro to Java at a university

Question 2: What did the speaker learn about socializing girls to be brave?
  • A. It requires perfection
  • B. It is an easy process
  • C. It requires imperfection and perseverance
  • D. It requires avoiding risk and failure

Question 3: What did the speaker say about the socialization of boys and girls?
  • A. Boys are taught to be perfect and girls are taught to be brave
  • B. Boys are taught to avoid risk and failure and girls are taught to take risks
  • C. Boys are taught to be brave and girls are taught to be perfect
  • D. Boys and girls are taught the same things

Question 4: What did Carol Dweck find in her study about how bright fifth graders handle difficult assignments?
  • A. Bright girls were more likely to redouble their efforts than bright boys
  • B. Bright girls were quicker to give up than bright boys
  • C. Boys and girls had the same approach to difficult assignments
  • D. Bright boys were more likely to give up than bright girls

Question 5: What did the HP report find about how men and women apply for jobs?
  • A. Men and women apply for jobs in the same way
  • B. Men apply for jobs if they meet 100% of the qualifications, while women apply if they meet only 60%
  • C. Women apply for jobs if they meet 100% of the qualifications, while men apply if they meet only 60%
  • D. Women are more likely to apply for jobs than men

👋 Answer

Answer 1: A. She started a company to teach girls to code
Answer 2: C. It requires imperfection and perseverance
Answer 3: C. Boys are taught to be brave and girls are taught to be perfect
Answer 4: B. Bright girls were quicker to give up than bright boys
Answer 5: B. Men apply for jobs if they meet only 60% of the qualifications, while women apply if they meet 100%
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