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《Critical Thinking,Logic &Problem-Solving》(《批判性思维、逻辑与问题解决》)是一本系统化指南,旨在帮助读者提升思维能力、优化决策过程并有效解决问题的书。书中结合理论框架与实用工具,涵盖批判性思维、逻辑分析、问题解决和高效沟通四大核心领域。通过丰富的案例和实践练习,读者可以逐步掌握如何识别逻辑谬误、避免认知偏差、结构化分析问题并制定有效解决方案。
- 什么是批判性思维?
- 批判性思维技能
- 批判性思维的障碍
- 提问技巧
- Paul-Elder批判性思维框架
- 逻辑谬误与认知偏差
- 提升批判性思维的习惯
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《Computers as Mindtools for Engaging Learners in Critical Thinking》(《计算机作为思维工具:激发学习者的批判性思维》)是由David H. Jonassen、Chad Carr和Hsiu-Pin Yueh撰写的书。这本书探讨了如何利用计算机作为思维工具来激发学习者的批判性思维和知识建构。
核心思想: 计算机不应直接传授信息,而应作为工具,帮助学习者通过积极参与和批判性思维建立自己的理解。
简化版: 想象计算机就像是大脑的锤子和锯子,帮助我们建构知识,而不仅仅是提供知识。
知识空白: 了解特定软件应用如何作为思维工具,促进批判性思维。
简化回顾: 思维工具将学习重点从被动接收信息转向主动建构知识,要求更深入的思考和参与。
类比: 想学骑自行车,你不仅仅是阅读关于它的书籍(被动学习),而是亲自骑上去,边试边学(主动建构)。
现实世界的例子: 学生利用数据库整理关于不同种类动物、它们的栖息地和行为的信息。
实践问题: 创建一个关于某个主题的数据库,如何帮助你更好地理解它?
心理模型: 想象一个工具箱,每个工具(软件)帮助整理、分析并构建知识。
总结: 思维工具是增强批判性思维的计算机应用,它通过让学习者主动表现出他们的知识,促进更深的参与和个人知识的构建。这种方法转变了传统教学模式,目的是让学生通过技术学习,而不是仅仅从技术中学习。
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Mark Tilbury是一位英国自学成才的百万富翁,专注于商业、个人理财和投资领域的内容创作。他在TikTok上拥有超过700万粉丝,在YouTube上有近400万订阅者。他通过分享从低薪工作到经营数百万美元企业的经历,旨在帮助他人实现财务自由。
在16岁时,Mark Tilbury未获得任何学历,第一份工作是制作木制垃圾桶,时薪不到2美元。他在工作中被分配到最低技术要求的岗位,最终决定辞职并创办自己的企业。约三十年后,他经营着一家年收入超过5000万美元的多元化企业。
Mark Tilbury的目标观众主要是18至45岁的年轻人和中年人,关注财务教育、投资策略和被动收入的生成。他的内容旨在帮助观众提高财务素养,建立财富,无论他们当前的财务状况如何。
第 1 步: 停滞
第 2 步: 启动
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TED演讲中提到对于孩童的培养,在标准化流水线式的学校资源教育中,父母角色的缺失并忽视了言传身教的价值观教育,而这一点恰恰是最重要的。个人认为,尤其是在AI时代,知识和资源唾手可得,应该教育小孩How to learn not what to learn,而父母作为孩子教育的第一责任人,有着义不容辞的担当和责任来完成这一使命。 那么如何拥有并传递正确的价值观,对于父母也是极大的考验。
- 教育资源与父母角色:指出人们在谈论教育时往往聚焦于学校等教育资源,而父母多被视为教育的购买者和选择者,而非提供者,父母在教育闭环中参与度低。这一观点合理,现实中确实存在父母过度依赖外部教育资源,而忽视自身在教育中重要作用的现象。
- 现代教育的职能化与专业化:提到现代教育的职能化和专业化使父母更远离教育本身,父母只需出钱让孩子学习,且现在的教育是线性体系,认为好的学校教育就能带来好工作和好生活。这符合当下教育现状,如今教育体系分工细化,课程设置专业化,容易让父母觉得教育是学校的事,同时线性教育思维也普遍存在。
- 教育与生活的断层:认为教育体系只注重知识传授,不承担价值判断性问题的教育,而生活中充满价值判断性问题,教育和生活存在断层,应该由父母来承担价值判断教育。该观点合理,当前教育体系确实在价值判断教育方面存在不足,父母在孩子的价值观形成中有着不可替代的作用。
- 自我意识与价值判断能力培养:强调父母应在技能和知识性教育之外,注重培养孩子的自我意识和价值判断能力,帮助孩子在复杂环境中做出清晰的自我选择。这是非常必要的,在快速变化的时代,孩子需要具备自我意识和价值判断能力才能更好地适应社会。
AI 时代父母践行相关理论的方法步骤
- 转变教育观念
- 在生活中融入教育
- 自我提升与成长
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《The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoni》(谬论侦探:38堂关于如何认识错误推理的课程)逻辑学的入门书。对各种谬论的总结,内容精炼,深入浅出,通俗易懂,但是针对具体的生活案例,缺少具体的指导方法和与孩子交流的话题,以便于引导进一步地进行批判性思考,本文以表格的形式弥补这一缺陷,达到举一反三,学以致用的目的。
Lesson 中英文标题 | 方法论 | 摘要 | 生活案例 | 对应的沟通方式和技巧 |
Lesson 1: Exercise Your Mind 锻炼心智 | 培养批判性思维的习惯 | 锻炼心智就是要积极主动地思考,而不是像海绵一样被动吸收。质疑信息来源,思考背后的逻辑,就像侦探一样,寻找线索。 | 1. 电视广告: 某个零食广告说“吃了这个,考试就能考 100 分!”2. 同学间的传言: 同学神秘兮兮地说“听说咱们班主任是外星人!”3. 新闻报道: 新闻报道说“科学家发现玩游戏能提高智力”。 4. 短视频推荐: 刷手机时看到一个短视频,说“喝可乐可以减肥”。 | 餐桌对话: “宝贝,这个零食广告说吃了就能考 100 分,你觉得可能吗?想想看,考试考得好是因为什么?(引导孩子说出努力学习)那个同学说班主任是外星人,你觉得有可能吗?如果他是外星人,会有什么特别之处?(鼓励孩子用常识判断)新闻说玩游戏能提高智力,但也要看看是什么游戏,玩多久,对不对?(引导孩子辨别信息来源)那个喝可乐减肥的视频,你觉得靠谱吗?可乐那么甜!(用常识判断,避免绝对化结论)” |
Lesson 2: Love to Listen 喜欢倾听 | 认真倾听不同观点 | 像收集拼图碎片一样,认真倾听他人观点,即使不同意,也要尝试理解对方的逻辑和理由。这有助于更全面地了解问题,最终拼出完整的图画。 | 1. 家庭争论: 关于周末看什么电影,爸爸想看动作片,妈妈想看爱情片,孩子想看动画片。2. 朋友间的争执: 朋友 A 说周杰伦的歌最好听,朋友 B 说 Taylor Swift 的歌才是永远的神。3. 班级选举: 班级竞选班长,A 同学说自己组织能力强,B 同学说自己学习成绩好。4. 新闻评论: 关于某项新政策,有人觉得好,有人觉得不好。 | 家庭会议: “宝贝,我们每个人都说说自己想看什么电影,也要说说为什么想看。爸爸说说为什么想看动作片?妈妈说说为什么想看爱情片?听听彼此的理由,就像听不同的故事一样。朋友喜欢不同的歌手,就像喜欢不同的颜色一样,是很正常的。竞选班长,不同的同学有不同的优点,我们要听听他们的想法,才能选出最好的班长。” (引导孩子尊重不同意见,理解他人喜好,不要强求一致) “对于新闻的评论,我们也要听听不同人的说法,他们为什么会这么想呢?说不定他们的理由很充分,可以让我们更了解这件事。” |
Lesson 3: Opposing Viewpoints 对立观点 | 分析对立观点的优缺点 | 每个硬币都有两面,每个问题都有不同的解决方案和观点。像医生一样,尝试分析每个观点的优点和缺点,选择最合理的方案,或者找到折中的办法。 | 1. 选择兴趣班: 孩子想学画画,父母觉得应该学英语。2. 零花钱的使用: 孩子想要买游戏皮肤,父母觉得应该存起来。3. 暑假安排: 孩子想天天睡懒觉,父母希望孩子做一些有意义的事情。4. 课余时间分配: 孩子喜欢玩手机游戏,家长希望多看书。 | 睡前谈话: “宝贝,爸爸妈妈知道你想学画画,因为你喜欢涂涂画画。学英语也很重要,以后能帮助你了解世界。我们可以一起分析一下,学画画有什么好处?学英语有什么好处?哪个更重要?(引导孩子思考不同选择的利弊)如果你买游戏皮肤,你会觉得很开心,但是存起来以后可以买更多想要的东西。怎么分配零花钱呢? (引导孩子权衡选择)睡懒觉很舒服,但是如果每天都睡懒觉,会不会觉得无聊呢?暑假做些什么,让你觉得开心又有意义呢?玩游戏可以放松心情,但是一直玩会伤眼睛。我们看看能不能找到一个平衡点?” |
Lesson 4: Red Herring Fallacy 红鲱鱼谬误 | 转移话题的谬误 | 就像侦探小说里故意放出的烟雾弹,红鲱鱼谬误是指通过引入无关信息来转移话题,从而避免回答真正的问题。要擦亮眼睛,识破它! | 1. 孩子考试成绩不好: 孩子说:“隔壁小明这次数学才考了 60 分!”2. 被指责不收拾房间: 孩子说:“上次你答应带我去游乐园也没去!”3. 讨论家庭开支: 妈妈说:“我们应该减少开支,下个月旅行就不去了吧。” 爸爸说:“你新买的包包也很贵啊!”4. 作业完成情况: 妈妈问:“今天的作业写完了吗?” 孩子回答:“今天天气真好!” | 及时制止: “宝贝,我们现在讨论的是你考试的事情,小明考多少分和你有关系吗?我们要关注自己的学习。上次没去游乐园是爸爸妈妈不对,下次找时间去,但现在我们讨论的是你是否应该收拾房间。我们现在说的是减少家庭开支,我的包包是之前买的,跟你说的旅行不一样,不要岔开话题哦。” (明确指出对方在转移话题,并把讨论拉回正轨,语气要温和,但立场要坚定) |
Lesson 5: Recognizing Red Herrings 识别红鲱鱼 | 识别红鲱鱼的技巧 | 就像寻宝游戏一样,要识别红鲱鱼,需要关注讨论的焦点是否发生了转移。如果对方提出的信息与当前问题无关,就像寻宝游戏里找到了假线索,很可能就是红鲱鱼。 | 1. 政治辩论: 候选人被问及如何解决交通拥堵问题,却开始谈论自己的童年经历。2. 公司会议: 讨论新产品定价问题,经理开始抱怨竞争对手的产品质量。3. 朋友抱怨: 朋友抱怨今天上课很无聊,却开始说他昨天晚上做的梦有多么有趣。4. 家长会讨论: 家长会上讨论如何提高学生阅读量,有家长开始说学校的食堂伙食不好。 | 提问引导: “叔叔阿姨,你说的童年经历很精彩,但是和解决交通拥堵有什么关系呢?能不能说说你的具体方案呢?我们现在讨论的是新产品定价,竞争对手的产品质量和我们有什么关系呢?我们是不是应该回到定价问题上来?(用温和的语气引导对方回到正题)你昨天晚上做的梦很有意思,但是和今天上课无聊有什么关系呢?你觉得今天的课为什么会无聊呢?食堂伙食和提高阅读量好像没什么关系,我们还是先讨论阅读量的问题吧。” 引导孩子意识到话题被转移,并思考两者之间的关联性,鼓励孩子尝试用自己的话语将话题拉回正轨。 |
Lesson 6: Special Pleading 特殊辩护 | 双重标准 | 就像玩游戏一样,不能自己作弊,却要求别人遵守规则。特殊辩护是指对自身行为采用一套标准,对他人行为采用另一套标准。 | 1. 孩子迟到: 孩子说:“我迟到是因为妈妈今天早上叫我晚了。” 但如果别人迟到,就说别人不守时。2. 违反课堂纪律: 孩子说:“我违反课堂纪律是因为老师讲的太无聊了,但我同学违反纪律就是不尊重老师。” 但如果别人违反规则,就说别人不遵守纪律。3. 对自己有利的解释: 孩子不小心打碎了花瓶,会说自己是想帮妈妈浇花;别人不小心打碎了花瓶,会认为是别人太粗心。4. 考试作弊: 自己考试作弊是因为题目太难了,其他人作弊就是人品有问题。 | 平等对待: “妈妈叫你晚了,下次你可以自己定闹钟。其他同学可能也有自己的原因,也许他们身体不舒服,不能只看表面现象。下次妈妈会注意,你也一样要遵守规则。” (引导孩子认识到规则的普遍性,避免双重标准)“花瓶被打碎了,不管是谁打碎的,都要承担责任。妈妈不会因为你想帮忙就原谅你,也不会因为别人粗心就责怪他们。考试作弊是不对的,无论题目难不难,我们都不能作弊。” |
Lesson 7: Ad Hominem Attack 人身攻击 | 攻击人身而非观点 | 就像辩论比赛一样,应该针对对方的论点进行反驳,而不是攻击对方的人身。人身攻击是指攻击对方的人格、动机、背景等,而不是针对对方的观点进行反驳。 | 1. 辩论: “你这么胖,懂什么健康饮食?你肯定每天都吃很多垃圾食品!”2. 争吵: “你就是个笨蛋,你说的都是错的!你脑子不好使!”3. 评论: “他是个骗子,他以前就骗过人,他的话根本不可信!”4. 选举争论: “她看起来那么年轻,肯定什么都不懂,不能选她当班长。” | 明确指出错误: “胖不代表不能懂健康饮食,也许她正在努力减肥呢!我们要讨论的是健康饮食的方法,而不是她的身材。说别人笨蛋是很不礼貌的,每个人都有自己的优点和缺点,我们要尊重别人。就算他以前骗过人,也不能代表他现在说的话就是假的,我们要看他说的内容有没有道理。(引导孩子关注内容本身)年轻不代表没有能力,我们要看她有没有责任心和组织能力。“ 重要的是针对观点进行反驳,而不是攻击对方的人格。 |
Lesson 8: Genetic Fallacy 基因谬误 | 基于来源否定观点 | 就像评价一本书一样,不能因为作者是谁就否定书的内容。基因谬误是指因为观点的来源或历史而否定该观点,而不是评价观点本身。 | 1. 历史评价: “这个想法是坏人提出来的,所以肯定是坏的!坏人怎么可能提出好的建议呢?”2. 家庭教育: “他爸爸妈妈都是小偷,他肯定也不是好人,从小就耳濡目染!”3. 产品评价: “这个玩具是盗版的,质量肯定不好!盗版的东西怎么可能好呢?”4. 信息来源: “这个消息是从小道消息听来的,肯定不靠谱,不要相信。” | 关注内容本身: “坏人也可能提出好的建议,我们要看这个想法本身有没有道理,不能因为是他提出来的就否定。爸爸妈妈是小偷,不代表他一定是小偷,我们要看他自己的行为。盗版玩具质量不一定不好,有些盗版玩具质量也很好,我们要看玩具的材质和做工。小道消息不一定不靠谱,有些小道消息也可能是真的,我们要多方验证消息的真实性。“ 引导孩子关注观点或事物本身,而不是来源。 |
Lesson 9: Tu Quoque 你也是 | 以错制错 | 就像玩游戏一样,不能因为别人犯规,你也跟着犯规。 “你也是”谬误是指通过指出对方也犯同样的错误来为自己的错误辩护。 | 1. 孩子顶撞父母: 孩子说:“你小时候也顶撞过爷爷奶奶!你有什么资格说我?”2. 乱扔垃圾: 孩子看到爸爸乱扔垃圾,就说:“你也乱扔垃圾!凭什么说我!”3. 不按时完成作业: 学生说:“老师你上次布置的作业也没按时批改啊,你凭什么批评我没写作业?”4. 不遵守交通规则: 看到爸爸闯红灯,就说:“你上次也闯红灯,你还说我!” | 承认错误并纠正: “我小时候顶撞爷爷奶奶是不对的,你现在顶撞我也不对,我们都应该尊重长辈。以后爸爸会注意自己的言行,给你做好榜样。(承认错误)别人乱扔垃圾是他们的错,你乱扔垃圾也是你的错,每个人都要为自己的行为负责。老师没按时批改作业是老师不对,我会尽快批改,你没写作业也不对,要赶紧补上。我上次闯红灯是不对的,以后我会注意,你也不能闯红灯,要遵守交通规则。“ 承认错误,并强调每个人都应该为自己的行为负责。 |
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由第六单元基础词汇和对应的词根词缀派生的TOEFL Junior 词汇
challenge;Something that is difficult or requires effort.
classmate - mate 伙伴; A student with whom you go to school.
invitation - tion 行为、状态; An offer to come to a place or do something.
member ;A person who belongs to a group or organization.
news ; Information about recent events.
presentation - tion 行为、状态 ;The act of showing or presenting something.
save ; To keep or rescue from harm or danger.
speech ; A talk or discourse given to an audience.
along ; In a line or position beside or near something.
difference - ence 状态、性质 ; The state or quality of being unlike or distinct.
electrical - 与 “elect” 相关(选择、电); Related to electricity or the flow of electric current.
famous - ous 具有…… 性质的 ;Known about by many people.
forest ; A large area covered with trees and other plants.
leaf ; The flat part of a plant that grows from a stem.
lock ; A device used for fastening or securing a door or container.
within ; inside the limits or boundaries of something.
lecture - lect 选择、收集 ;A formal talk given by a teacher or an expert.
select - lect 选择 ;To choose or pick out from a group.
recollect - lect 选择、收集,re 再次 ;To remember or recall something that has happened in the past.
mention - ment 行为、结果 ;To talk about or refer to something briefly.
information - form 形状、形式,in 进入,-ation 行为、状态; Knowledge or facts provided or received.
communication - munic 交流, -ation 行为、状态 ;The act of sharing information or ideas with others.
Sam: Hi Alex, did you hear the news about our school’s eco project?
Alex: Yes, Sam! I got an invitation to join our eco club as a member.
Sam: That’s great! I challenge you to give a short presentation in class.
Alex: I will. My classmate Lucy helped me prepare a clear speech.
Sam: Remember, during our lecture the teacher mentioned that planting trees can save our planet.
Alex: Exactly! Even one small leaf from a tree can make a big difference.
Sam: Our teacher also explained how electrical devices work and showed a famous video about a green forest.
Alex: Wow! I recollect that moment well. It made me select one tree to plant within our schoolyard.
Sam: Let’s lock in our ideas and use good communication and correct information when we talk along with our friends.
Alex: I agree. I’d also like to mention that every step we take, from a simple challenge to a proper presentation, helps save nature.
- Sam said, "I ______ you to give a short presentation in class," showing his ______ to start the project.
- Alex replied that his ______ Lucy helped him, and he received an ______ to join the club.
- When Alex heard the ______ about the project, he prepared a ______ for his class.
- He promised to ______ the environment with his ______ and went ______ with his plan.
- Their teacher explained that even a small act can make a ______, much like an ______ spark can start a fire.
- The teacher showed a ______ video of a deep ______, where every bright ______ fell gently to the ground.
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section 标题 | 阅读短文 | section 词汇 |
1A A Mysterious Visitor | In October 2017, astronomers in Hawaii saw something surprising. A strange object was moving through the solar system. They had seen many asteroids before, but this was something different. It was long and thin - like a cucumber. The object’s speed and direction also showed something surprising. This was an interstellar object - the first ever seen.The object was named ’Oumuamua - Hawaiian for “visitor from afar.” Nobody is sure exactly what it is. The simplest idea is that ’Oumuamua is a strangely shaped piece of rock. Perhaps it was knocked out of a far - off star system. However, astronomers saw that its speed increased after passing the sun. Some scientists therefore suggest a different theory.“’Oumuamua could be a piece of alien technology,” says Professor Abraham Loeb from Harvard University. Loeb believes this could explain the object’s long, thin shape, and also its change in speed. Maybe ’Oumuamua was a spaceship that came to explore our solar system. “All possibilities should be considered,” says Loeb.’Oumuamua can no longer be seen from Earth. But astronomers continue to study the information they got from it. It is still not clear if the object was a large rock, or something else altogether. ’Oumuamua will likely be a mystery for many years to come. | astronomer, asteroid, explore, knock, speed, strange, theory, alien |
1B The Lost City of Atlantis | Most people have heard the story of the lost city of Atlantis. But is any part of the story true?Over two thousand years ago, the Greek writer Plato wrote about Atlantis, an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The island’s people were very rich. They built a big city with many great buildings. But the people became greedy - they had many things, but they still wanted more. So the gods became angry. Earthquakes and large waves began to strike the island. Finally, Atlantis sank into the sea.Many explorers have looked for Atlantis. In 2004, explorer Robert Sarmast reported finding the remains of a city under the sea near Cyprus. However, Sarmast and other scientists later realized the structures he found under the sea were natural, not man - made. Mark Adams, author of the 2016 book Meet Me in Atlantis believes the city was in Morocco. Plato wrote about red and black stone circles around the city. Adams found similar red and black stones in the desert there, very near the Atlantic Ocean.Most people, however, think Atlantis is simply a story. The purpose of the story may be to teach people not to be greedy. Richard Ellis also wrote a book about Atlantis in 1999. He says “there is not a piece of solid evidence” for a real Atlantis.So was the island real or not? We only know one thing. The mystery of Atlantis will be with us for a long time. | finally, lost, purpose, report, remain, rock, sink, strike |
2A The World of Speed Eating | Competitive eating - or speed eating - is exactly what its name suggests. Contestants eat as much as they can, usually within a time limit. Eating competitions can involve various foods - pizza, pies, ice cream, chili peppers. They can also offer large prizes to the winners.The Biggest CompetitionThe world’s largest competitive eating event is Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest. The event is held every Fourth of July in Brooklyn, New York. According to legend, this tradition began over a hundred years ago. Four immigrants were arguing about who loved their new country the most. Finally, they worked out a way to decide. They would see who could eat the most of a famous American food - the hot dog. James Mullen, an Irish immigrant, won by eating 13 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Nathan’s Fourth of July tradition was born.Eating ChampionsThe current champion of the contest is Joey Chestnut. Chestnut - an American - also holds the world record for hot dog eating - 74 in less than 10 minutes. That’s just over 8 seconds per hot dog. For many years, the Nathan’s Contest champion was Takeru Kobayashi from Japan. He is smaller and lighter than Chestnut, and doesn’t look like an eating champion. However, he holds many world records for eating different types of food.Bad Taste or Just Sport?Not everybody thinks competitive eating is a good thing. It can be unhealthy for the contestants, and many people in the world are going hungry. Kobayashi first won the event in 2001 when he was 23 years old. So are eating competitions in bad taste? For competitive eaters, it’s a sport like any other. As Kobayashi says, “Food fighters … think of themselves as athletes.” | argue, athlete, exactly, record, tradition, unhealthy, various, work out |
2B The Hottest Chilies | You may have experienced the feeling. Your mouth feels like it’s on fire. Your eyes start to water. You just ate one of nature’s hottest foods - the chili pepper!Chili peppers, also called chilies, are found in dishes around the world. They are in dishes like Indian curries, Thai tom yum soup, and Mexican enchiladas. Chilies come from the capsicum plant. They are “hot” because they contain something called capsaicin.Capsaicin is very good for your health. It helps you breathe better, and it may even help keep you fit. Capsaicin makes you feel less hungry. It also makes your body burn more calories.We can measure the heat of chilies in units called Scoville heat units (SHU). The world’s hottest chili is the Carolina Reaper. It sometimes measures up to 2 million SHU!Eating a hot chili can be painful, but some people love to eat them. Anandita Dutta Tamuly, a woman from Assam, India, became famous for eating chilies. She ate 51 hot peppers in just two minutes! The peppers were Naga jolokia (“ghost peppers”). They grow in Assam and are the third - hottest chilies in the world.“I found eating chilies was a great way to stay healthy,” says Tamuly. She began eating chilies when she was a child. She eats chilies when she is sick, too. “Every time I have a cold or flu, I just eat some chilies and I feel better. To be honest, I barely notice them now.” | breathe, contain, dish, fit, health, hungry, painful, plant |
3A Digging for the Past | When I was in third grade, I watched a video that recreated the discovery of King Tutankhamen’s tomb. I remember Howard Carter peering through a narrow hole in the tomb with a candle. A workman asked what he could see: “Wonderful things!” Carter said. From that moment, I knew what I wanted to do with my life.Today, I’m lucky to work as an archeologist. I study the lives of people who lived in Egypt’s Nile Delta. It’s exciting work. Sometimes you find something that was buried three thousand years ago. Holding a piece of history is an amazing feeling.So I decided what I wanted to be at the age of nine, and I made it happen. Seems easy, right? Not quite! The road wasn’t easy. I did my studies - university, then a PhD. But along the way I was told many things: I was too young, I wasn’t qualified, I should get married and have kids. I also needed money, so I applied for six grants. The first five replies said no. The last reply came: This time it was yes. Finally, I could start my own excavation.For anyone thinking about a career, I would say: Never give up. If you want to do something, keep trying. If people tell you no, use that - it will push you. At the beginning, it hurts. But the next no hurts a little less. It makes you stronger and actually helps you.Second, focus on your goals. And I stress yours. You don’t have to follow other people. If they say something has never been done, make it happen. You may be the first to do it. There are always challenges, but you overcome them in the end. | amazing, career, decide, follow, married, history, hurt, lucky |
3B Getting the Shot | Joel Sartore is a writer and a photographer. His words and beautiful images show his love of photography and of the natural world. He was National Geographic’s 2018 Explorer of the Year.My first job was for a newspaper. After a few years there, I met a National Geographic photographer. He liked my photos and said I should send some to the magazine. So I did. That led to a one - day job. And that led to a nine - day job, and so on.To get into National Geographic, you have to give them something they don’t have. It’s not enough just to be a great photographer. You also have to be a scientist, for example, or be able to dive under sea ice, or spend maybe several days in a tree.It’s now more difficult to work for magazines. Technology makes it easy to take good pictures, which means there are more photos and photographers. Also, the Web is full of photos from all around the world that are free, or cost very little. The photos are often good enough to be put in books and magazines that once paid for photographers and their photos.Advice? Well, work hard. Be passionate about every project you work on. Take lots of pictures in different situations. Look at others’ photos thoughtfully and learn from them. And be curious about life. There’s something to photograph everywhere.But be a photographer for the right reasons. If you do it for the money, you probably won’t really be happy. Do you want to make the world a better place, or make people see things in a different way? If so, you’ll enjoy the work much more. | enough, project, several, situation, spent, pay, free, cost |
4A I’ve Found the Titanic! | As a boy, Robert Ballard liked to read about shipwrecks. He read a lot about the Titanic. “My lifelong dream was to find this great ship,” he says. On August 31, 1985, Ballard’s dream came true. He found the wreck of the Titanic. The ship was in two main parts, lying four kilometers under the sea. Using video cameras and an undersea robot, Ballard looked around the ship. He found many items that told the sad story of the Titanic’s end. For example, he found a child’s shoes, a reminder of the many deaths that happened that night in 1912.In 1986, Ballard visited the Titanic again. This time, he reached the ship in a small submarine. A deep - sea robot took photos inside the ship. When other people saw the photos, they wanted to visit the ship, too.When Ballard returned in 2004, he found the Titanic in very bad condition. Other explorers had taken away about 6,000 tons, like notes, dishes, and shoes. Some even took pieces of the ship. They think these things should be moved to a safer place, but Ballard doesn’t agree.Ballard believes that taking things from the Titanic is wrong. Instead, he wants to put lights and cameras on and around the shipwreck. This way, people can see the great ship and remember what happened to it. “As long as she needs protection,” says Ballard, “the Titanic will always be part of my life.” | agree, condition, death, dream, instead, item, reach, return |
4B My Descent to the Titanic | In 2001, I was part of an expedition to explore the Titanic. Our team used two small deep - sea robots, one blue and one green. My job was to make sure the robots’ batteries worked well.Three days into the expedition, the green robot got stuck inside the Titanic. Even worse, one of its batteries was damaged. That was dangerous, as the battery could explode. It could harm the robot and the ship. We had to find a way to get it out.In the middle of the ocean, though, there are no stores to buy supplies. So, we had an idea. We took a coat hanger and put it inside the blue robot. The plan was to use the hanger’s hook to pull out the green robot.Two crew members and I got ready to go down in a three - man submarine. A crane lifted us and placed us in the water. Then we started to sink - 12,500 feet to the ocean bottom. If anything went wrong, we were totally on our own.At about 9,000 feet, a crewmate accidentally touched some wires. Suddenly, all the sub’s lights went out. We were in complete darkness. It was terrifying, but the pilot was able to fix it, and we carried on.Finally, we reached the Titanic’s wreckage. First, we could just see pieces of metal. Then we started to see suitcases and shoes. Over a thousand people fell here, but their bodies disappeared long ago.For about 12 hours, we tried to pull the robot out with the coat hanger. Finally, we got it and brought it to the surface. There was no way we were going to leave it behind. That little robot was part of our team. | battery, carry on, fix, metal, pilot, plan, pull, totally |
5A The Disease Detective | Six children were in the hospital. They were very sick, but the doctors didn’t know what to do. They called Dr. Richard Besser, an expert on strange illnesses.First, Dr. Besser needed to find the cause of the illness. He looked for germs in the children’s bodies. In every child, Dr. Besser found the same type of the bacteria E. coli. He then looked at the bacteria’s DNA. It showed him that this type of E. coli was dangerous.Dr. Besser knew E. coli could move from animals to humans. Had the children touched animals that carried the bacteria? Besser found other E. coli in the area where the children lived. But it wasn’t enough.Besser then made a list of what the sick children had eaten. They had all eaten cheese, apple pie and fish. He then made a list of what healthy children in the area had eaten. They had eaten the cheese and fish, but not the apple juice.Besser went to where the apple juice was made. He saw animals around the apple trees. He also saw the workers using dirty apples that had fallen on the ground. More importantly, he saw that the apples were not washed before the juice was made, and that the juice was not heated. Doing these things would kill the bacteria. Besser then knew it was the apple juice that made the children sick.Besser’s E. coli case had a happy ending. The children got better. And what Besser learned that day now helps keep others safe. | touch, kill, illness, ground, expert, dirty, dangerous, vehicle |
5B At the Scene of a Crime | It’s 5:30 a.m., and your phone rings. A police officer says someone broke into a store and took some expensive items. They need you right away. It is your job to study the whole scene for clues that will help catch the thief. You are a crime scene investigator, and the game is on.Outside the store, you see a broken window, but there is no glass on the street. There are shoeprints, and marks made by a vehicle’s tires. You look at the shoeprints. They’re large, so you’re likely looking for a man. You photograph the shoe’s pattern. This can tell you the type of shoe. You then measure the space between the shoeprints. You now know how long the person’s steps were. This gives you an idea of how tall the thief was.As you follow the shoeprints over to the tire marks, the spaces between the steps get bigger. They lead to the passenger’s side of the vehicle. Now you know the thief probably didn’t work alone. You photograph the tire marks. They can help you find out the type of vehicle and the direction it went.The most important clues will come from a person’s body. You find some fingerprints near the broken window. Using a computer, you can compare these prints against millions of others. You also find a hair. You keep it, because you know hair contains a person’s DNA. You can compare this with other people’s DNA, too. If you find a match for the fingerprint or the DNA, you will know who was in the store.Will you find the thief? You now have a lot of information, so it’s possible. For a crime scene investigator, it’s all in a day’s work. | step, space, possible, direction, compare, catch, alone, touch |
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《小学数学乐学手册》与《DK图解数学动画》知识点对应表 | ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
年级 | 书名 | 目录 | ㅤ | 对应动画 | 动画编号 |
一年级 | 小学数学乐学手册(一年级 上册) | 第1单元 | 生活中的数 | 1 数字符号 | 1 |
ㅤ | ㅤ | 第2单元 | 比较 | 6 数字的比较 | 6 |
ㅤ | ㅤ | 第3单元 | 加与减(一) | 42 加法 | 42 |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ | 43 使用数轴做加法 | 43 |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ | 49 减法 | 49 |
ㅤ | ㅤ | 第4单元 | 分类 | 160 数据处理 | 160 |
ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ | 161 计数符 | 161 |
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Written by Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
Adaptation of a guide produced by the Ontario Ministry of Education, c2002. ISBN 0-7711-3207-7
Helping Your Child Learn Math: A Parent's Guide
A Word About This Guide
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth provides Early Years teachers with a research-based mathematics curriculum. Hands-on learning activities, problem solving, communication, connections to everyday life, and strategic instruction are means to helping students develop mathematical skills and understanding.
This guide suggests simple activities that parents* can do with young children at home. It will be most useful for parents of young children who are just beginning to explore math.
You don't need to do every activity suggested in this guide! Choose the ones that you think will be most helpful for you and your child. If you are the parent of a child who has exceptional learning needs, you are encouraged to use the suggestions in a way that suits the particular needs of your child.
Many other resources are available to help you help your child learn math. You may wish to consult your child's teacher. You may also want to find out more about the Manitoba mathematics curriculum and the province-wide Grade 3 Mathematics Assessment conducted over the first four to six weeks of Grade 3. The last page of this guide provides a list of other resources.
If English is not your child's first language, this guide can still be of help. The important thing is to help your child become interested in and enthusiastic about math, in the language that is most comfortable for you.
\* In this guide, the word "parent" is meant to include guardians, caregivers, and other family members who can help young children learn math.
Why Is It Important for My Child to Learn Math?
Math skills are important to a child's success – both at school and in everyday life. Understanding math also builds confidence and opens the door to a range of career options.
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Sora 是 OpenAI 推出的文字视频模型。它可以创建长达 60 秒的视频,其中包括细节丰富的场景、复杂的摄像机动作和多个角色。通过将文本描述转化为生动的视频,为 各个阶段的教育带来激动人心的可能性。它可以帮助学生更好地理解复杂概念,创建引人入胜的学习材料,将其融入课堂活动,并激发学生的创造力。
1. 可视化复杂概念
Sora 可以将抽象的文字描述转化为可视化的视频,帮助学生理解复杂的科学或历史概念。例如,通过文本描述光合作用的过程,Sora 能生成视频展示植物如何将光能转化为化学能。
2. 创建引人入胜的学习材料
教师可以使用 Sora 将文本提示转换为视频,创建更具吸引力的学习材料。例如,历史课可以制作历史场景再现,数学课可以模拟解决数学问题,文学课可以将文学片段可视化,让学生更容易理解和记住内容。
3. 融入课堂活动
Sora 可以融入课堂活动,让学生自己根据文本提示创作视频。例如,在项目式学习中,学生可以利用 Sora 制作视频解释某个概念或讲述故事。这鼓励学生主动学习,并培养他们的数字素养能力。
4. 激发创造力
Sora 可以让学生将文字想法转化为视频,激发他们的创造力。学生可以尝试不同的文本提示,看着自己的故事或概念变成现实,这会让他们产生动力和灵感,尤其适用于创意写作或艺术课。
尽管 Sora 充满潜力,但教育者也应该考虑负责任地使用这项技术。重要的是确保生成的视频内容准确且适合课堂教学。此外,教育者还应准备好应对由人工智能生成的视频可能出现的信息误导或偏差。
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1. 什么是词根词缀?
2. 为什么词根词缀对小学生英语学习至关重要?
- 提高词汇量:掌握了词根词缀,小学生可以通过拼接和组合词根词缀来理解和记忆更多的单词,而不是仅仅记忆单个单词的拼写和意义。
- 增强阅读理解能力:词根词缀是英语单词的构建基础,了解它们有助于小学生更好地理解阅读材料,从而提高阅读理解能力。
- 培养思维逻辑:学习词根词缀可以培养小学生的思维逻辑能力,让他们在学习过程中更加系统和条理化。
3. 如何有效利用词根词缀英语学习方法?
- 利用词根词缀图表:为了更好地理解和记忆词根词缀,可以准备一份词根词缀图表,让学生随时查阅。
- 通过游戏和活动学习:设计一些有趣的游戏和活动,让小学生在玩乐中学习词根词缀,提高学习的趣味性和参与度。
- 多读多写:鼓励小学生多读英语书籍和文章,并多写英语作文,通过实践运用词根词缀,加深记忆和理解。